Flat Pancetta

A harmonious alternation of horizontal red and white stripes. Lean and fat.
The slice is soft, fragrant with just the right level of flavour.
We are talking about flat pancetta, one of Italy’s oldest cold cuts.
The Salumi San Giorgio Lucano® one follows those rigorously handmade techniques and uses traditional ingredients.

It is made from pork belly. After boning, it is dry salted using quarry salt for a varying period of time based on size.
It is then cured. This, for mild flat pancetta, involves the use of crushed Tellicherry black pepper with mild Lucano pepper, giving the cold cut special flavours and aromas. Ground black pepper and hot chilli pepper are used to cure spicy pancetta.
The pancettas are trimmed to remove excess fat and to give them their typical rectangular shape.
The last step is ageing to ensure it is properly matured.

Flat Pancetta

A harmonious alternation of horizontal red and white stripes. Lean and fat.
The slice is soft, fragrant with just the right level of flavour.
We are talking about flat pancetta, one of Italy’s oldest cold cuts.
The Salumi San Giorgio Lucano® one follows those rigorously handmade techniques and uses traditional ingredients.

It is made from pork belly. After boning, it is dry salted using quarry salt for a varying period of time based on size.
It is then cured. This, for mild flat pancetta, involves the use of crushed Tellicherry black pepper with mild Lucano pepper, giving the cold cut special flavours and aromas. Ground black pepper and hot chilli pepper are used to cure spicy pancetta.
The pancettas are trimmed to remove excess fat and to give them their typical rectangular shape.
The last step is ageing to ensure it is properly matured.